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No guarantees can be made by regarding the quality of the schools. However there are health disciples boards and accreditation boards in various provinces that regulate the training standards of acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

Potential Students: Bear in mind that standards and the number of hours of training vary from province to province in Canada. Regulatory standards can change. Bear this in mind with your education and the practice of acupuncture and Oriental medicine therapies, particularly if you will be training and potentially practicing in an unregulated province or a different location where the standards will be different. Visit the websites, talk with administrators, instructors, and students and get a feel for the variation in philosophy and acupuncture and oriental medicine practices of the school.

Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in Canada also tracks the schools in Canada. It's a worthy site which stimulates communication within Canada with its chat rooms. Whether you are a potential student, instructor, school administrator, Health Disciplines board member. or legislator, you can check out a full range of schools to see what the spirit, standards and practices are that are being promoted educationally and professionally.

See NAFTA Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Commission (NAFTA–North American Federation Trade Agreements regarding acupuncture and Oriental Medicine) Canadian associations, schools or regulatory agencies may be represented in this Commission.
Contact through the Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance office for further dialogue. Click here for NAFTA Commission Reports. (253) 851-6896 Fax: (253) 851-6883.

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  • Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute Institut De La Fondation D'acupuncture Du Canada (AFCI/IFAC) was federally incorporated in 1995 teaches a 10 level curriculum certification program conducted since 1974 by the foundation. Classes are offered in Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Saskatoon, Saint John, PEI and other locations. Email




Private Post Secondary Education Commission of British Columbia See their Accreditation Requirements on line.

This body defines accreditation as a voluntary process by which a registered institution seeks recognition of its standards of integrity and educational competence. A summary of the accreditation criteria is available at their downloads page.

College of TCM and Acupuncturists of BC (CTCMA
, Mt. Saint Joseph's Hospital, Burnaby Email
CTCMA is an official body established 2000 by the Government of British Columbia to regulate the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture in the province. The College is a self regulatory body that operates under the auspices of the Provincial Governement through the Health Professions Act and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitoners and Acupuncturists Regulation. CTCMA designated qualified practiitoners as Registered Acupuncturist R.Ac. in 1999.

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  • College de Rosemont, Departement d'acupuncture (formation et recherches) - Montreal. Site is in French. Un cours de trois ans (1425 heures de formation en acupuncture, 480 heures de pratique clinique) offert dans le reseau public collegial du Quebec. Un lieu de recherches et de perfectionnements.
  • Chinese Medicine and Cultural College 3565 Rue Berri Suite 220 Montreal, Quebec H2L 4G5 (512) 288-2872

CONTACT US if you notice any changes or know of any schools not listed properly on our site or that we should add. Sometimes schools move, discontinue or change telephone numbers,website and emails or go out of business.

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Original Design by Claire Flint