Investigate Standards & Compatibility | Requirements for Education & Licensing | Reciprocity | Financial Aid Resources | Other Directories | Publications


No guarantees can be made by regarding the quality of the schools. However there are accreditation boards in various countries that regulate the education and training programs of the profession. Those standards may be adapted into licensing, certification or registration requirements set up by regulatory agencies or medical boards of the national, state or provincial levels of government or set up by a specific regulatory college.

Each school is unique in its program and emphasis. We recommend that you check out their sites, email or write for catalogs, talk to graduates, and if possible, visit the schools to determine which is most compatible with your outlook and future plans. All detailed information such as state, province or national laws regarding practice, financial aid, length of program and entrance requirements should be obtained form the individual school. You may also be able to obtain the state, province or national laws regarding practice from this site.

Go to the Complementary Resources page and click on your potential Profession. Then click schools for that profession.

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Note that licensing of acupuncture and Oriental Medicine practitioners varies from state to state, province to province and country to country. Thus, the requirements for education also vary. For more information on your geographical area's (state or province) academic requirements for licensing, check the laws on this website and the complementary resource page for your profession.

For a synopsis of formal schooling and exam requirements for your profession, check your profession's school sites on Complementary Resources


If you want to practice in a different state province or country from which you may get your degree or your license, it's suggested that you check the reciprocity arrangements with other states, provinces and/or countries before you attend a school. You can also check with the regulatory agencies and medical boards or the professional associations on this website to get further information on licensing. There may be existing bills in process that may affect academic requirements and licensing, particularly at the masters and doctoral level.

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FINANCIAL AID RESOURCES. Check with the individual schools and do a web search on graduate school government and private financial aid resources. Note: Accreditation usually provides the means for federally or nationally insured student loans.



World wide schools listing

The WHO (World Health Organization has available a book called, The World Directory of Medical Schools, which is not at this time on-line. For the International Qi Gong Directory Email. Look for the upcoming world directory on our site of Alternative, Complementary and Integrative Medicine Schools.

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Journals & Publications (links)

CatalogIndividual Packet - FREE
with all of the >From Tao to Earth materials. (Instuctors and students email us for free catalogs, or contacs - please specify how many you need for the class cycle.)

The Art of Practice Management for Alternative Health Care Practices by Bestani, Fernandez and Gumenick - addresses total acupuncture practice management, standards of care, safe practice planning and risk management communications and procedures. 516 pages, $45.
Table of Contents | Benefits | Book Reviews | Syllabus for use with the Practice Plan The Acupuncture version currently available. Alternative version will be available 11/01. This book can be used internationally. .

The Health Professional's Holistic Practice Management Plan Format
by Cynthia Bestani, 325 pages, $75.00 Discounts apply when ordering with Art of PM purchase (Comes with a syllabus for use with the Art of Practice Management book) Discounted price is $56.25 Spiral Bound. This book can be used internationally.

Our policy is to give schools first right of sales to students. Check with the school first and purchase directly through them, if possible. If they do not carry these two books, we will be happy to assist you directly with individual and futher discounted group orders.

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CONTACT US if you notice any changes or know of any schools not listed properly on our site or that we should add. Sometimes schools move, discontinue or change telephone numbers,website and emails or go out of business.

Add a School.

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Website Design by Claire Flint & Cynthia Flint Bestani