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For Teachers and Administrators

What Does the Book and Practice Plan Do in Training.?
Recommendations for use in classes
Syllabus for Reading/Writing assignments Book/Plan
ACAOM Accredited Training Applicability
Ethics and Risk Management Class Applicability

Table of Contents of Art of PM–Alternative HCP
Book reviews–Art of PM (acupuncture)
Sample Chapter– Art of PM (acupuncture)
Table of Contents of Plan Format
Increased Benefits–Use of the Practice Plan


Food for Thought:  “Grants Fund Spirituality in Healthcare.
The National Institute for Healthcare Research and John Templeton Foundation have recently given 8 schools a grant of $25,000 each to fund courses on the role of spirituality and religion in health care. The schools currently offering these classes are Loyola University, Morehouse School of Medicine, Brown University, Georgetown University, Oregon Health Sciences University, University of Chicago and the University of Rochester.” 10/97 –From the website Spirit Business Journal On Line http://www.bizspirit.com/bsj/resources/





The Art of Practice Management for Alternative Health Care Practices - Book, 500+ pages
Not available until 11/01
Acupuncture version currently available.

The Health Professional's Holistic Practice Management Plan Format 325 pages, Professional Level Plan.

Discounts: When the plan format is purchased with the Art of Practice Management book, Spiral bound plan is $45. to your student. Further discounts for school sales.

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  • Specifically meet the teaching criteria of the accreditation requiremetns for all areas in Practice (Business) Management and Ethics.

    The 500+book and the professional level plan format are designed to provide full preparation to enter and maintain successful practices. This can certainly happen within a 45 hour practice management class. The Counsel of Chiropractic Education (CCE) recommends 90. Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and other fields may not have made recommendations for number of hours, so much as content to be covered for proficiency. Practice management training has been used in shorter cycles and often been bridged into different classes so the professional practice plan is completed by graduation. The requirement of graduates is for an understanding of certain content (provided in the Art of PM text) and the evidence of competency, which the The Health Professional's Holistic PM Plan Format can show strong evidence. The reading in the Art of PM text links step by step with 22 sections of the Holistic Practice Management Plan Format. The HPPM Plan Format can be done as homework toward its completion as the term project. More than a ”test of competence,” the plan shows the blueprint for the practice, which also strongly meets funding requirements for loans to beginning practices after graduation. Also see write up on use in Ethics and Risk Management classes.

  • Just as holistic thought applicable to healing practice transforms one's perception of healing, its applicability in this book transforms your student's perception of “business” to work more naturally for them. No ordinary dry business book, the authors in this book bridge the soul and spirit of a holistic approach with business and management.

    The holistic view in this book expands the view of the workings of practice from what was formerly limited in western terminology to the nuts and bolts of practice. Furthermore, the book and the plan are designed to provide full preparation to enter and maintain successful practices. The concept of "business" itself changes in the process of reading, writing, inquiring, listening and working with the materials. The HP Holistic PM Plan Format grounds the the holistic understandings and helps the students integrate their destiny, intention and practical applications during preparation.

  • Designed to do what class notes and verbal instruction are not sufficient alone to do– to give your students a solid start in practice. We get feedback all the time from new graduates that it is just very difficult to create a practice from class notes. There are no indexes or easy way to organize and reference what is needed. Far more details can be communicated in a text than the instructor has time or energy to do, and these details need to be referenced in critical and key practice preparation decision-making, as well as over time.

    History has repeated itself time and again to show the following scenario:
    The majority of your graduates probably couldn't pay to go to a professional level seminar and get a text and professional level plan if they didn't get it in school. There are those who will try to go it on their own without mentors, texts or plans and will often be part of the 8 out of 10 statistic that fail in practice. Other graduates feel the pressure of beginning practice economically, and may not have the will, the time, the space, know-how or finances to put themselves on a self-study planning program, as opposed to practice planning in a structured setting that your class can provide. Many graduates move quickly into the fire cycle when they get out of school, and they believe they have passed the cycle of incubation and planning, and plunge into practice. If they haven't done solid planning, they go immediately into crisis management. Many struggle for about two years and change professions. Does this truly need to happen?
    We encourage instructors to weigh the value and timing of the Art of PM and Plan for the incubation and planning cycle of class with the cost of your students' practice success.

  • Designed to provide the foundation of successful practice. The book is a comprehensive text that contains the seed thoughts of a number of master practitioners who have reputable successful practices and understand the energy of what clarifies and moves the practice creatively.

  • Designed to engage more of the learners senses. The text and plan used together allow the learner to engage more of his or her senses for deeper learning–reading, listening, asking, sensing, writing–particularly vital in practice preparation or class time when the habit patterns in practice management are being established. The approach is unique in that it written to engage the use of both the yin intuitive internal knowing based intelligences and the yang or analytical based intelligences to integrate with our external environment.

  • Designed to free up classroom time for more interactive participation and meaningful discussion. The comprehensive materials already provide the foundation and expertise on a broad range of issues, policies, procedures and approaches. These materials further facilitate the surfacing of issues and deeper understandings for discussion. Providing reading and writing homework in these materials can free the instructor to shift from the role of authority to that of facilitator in the group or class room.

    The time and energy of the classes, therefore, can be directed to more interactive participation and meaningful discussion, thereby meeting more directly the needs and concerns of the individuals and group.

    We have a number of instructors who feel there is not enough time to communicate all they want to communicate about practice management to their students in the time frame they have, are aware of the high attrition rate and are quite concerned. We encourage you to share Jason Stein's letter with administrators, particularly concerning the number of hours alotted to practice management. There are also ways of structuring practice management so that the practice materials can be taken to and used in related classes. This can also reduce the stressfulness around trying to communicate so much with the time alloted. Feel free to call or email the primary author of the materials at From Tao to Earth to consider some alternatives.

  • Designed to be available and used by both instructor and student to prepare for success. In 20-20 hindsight, many practitioners look back and give us national feedback that had they been informed of these materials, or had they been required and not just optional in their practice management classes, they would have fared far better. At a time when potential practitioners have a tendency to be penny wise-pound foolish in making their purchase choices, required reading in the book and doing the success plan, which is known to increase competency and confidence, could have made the difference between struggle and costly mistakes or success in their practices.

    Designed to meet the challenges in creating successful practice.
    While there have been a few very dedicated practitioners who have done a remarkable job in legislation, and the public interest is peaked, the ability of practitioners to sustain their practices has been relatively low as the above statistics showed.

    There are still yet many schools who have not given their students the benefit of using texts to study not only risk management, but practice management. Furthermore, most businesses and practices fail without a successful practice plan. Many instructors haven't seen the records of success of their students' practices 2 years down the road.

    We can continue to evaluate not only whether we feel good about what we teach, but consider if we are providing all we can to empower the students to source, organize, be competent and confident as both healers and as integrated balanced practitioners interfacing with the world. View practice management class recommendations to the NCCAOM by practice management instructor, Jason Stein

  • Designed to be A Primary Hands-On Resource at critical and key moments. The text helps students, new and established practitioners make clear choices at "critical and key moments," both in situation and in forward-planning–now– and over the life of one's practice.

  • Designed to help your students open their senses, to help them question, digest and receive what masterful practice is. Checking the text out briefly from the library can't give the learner the kind ofincubation necessary to absorb and apply the information. Lectures and seminars on practice management can't replace being able to reference the information when they need it. Purchasing the materials from the time they are students, then living and working with the materials when their habit patterns are being established, as well as over the life of the practice, is probably one of their greatest allies.

    We encourage instructors to require the text and the plan to allow for the absorption and focus that is needed for practice success.


  • Designed to create a ”successful” practice plan. To create a successful practice plan from scratch takes substantial time, energy and a great deal of skill on the part of your students. Building-from-scratch type of plans may not have all the elements of success, particularly ones created by novices or business-challenged healers. Your students have the benefit of the wisdom from many masters writing for the Art of PM text and consultants who have gotten proven results with the professional level health care practice plan, such as The AOM Holistic PM Plan.

  • Designed to be used step by step and by subject area. The syllabus on our site links specific reading in the text with each one of the 22 areas in the Plan, so students can move intelligently in manageable steps. The syllabus is adaptable so different sections can be used to fulfill different class requirements in practice management and create the overall practice plan over a period of time.

  • Designed to help your students to access the Blueprint for Their Practice. This Plan doesn't fit them into a box, it brings out their uniqueness. This is no ordinary plan and text combination.

  • Designed to transform their awareness of successful practice in the process. It is the layout, profound and essential questions and choices in both the book and the plan together which makes it so transforming for your students and for their upcoming practices.

  • Designed To be a consciousness-raising plan, increasing their competency and confidence levels, not just be a crunch the numbers and statistics plan. It helps your students to discern what they don't know that they don't know so that they can find out what they need to know to become more consciously competent practitioners.

  • Designed to bring their mind to clear focus in relationship to their practice. Their consciousness comes to focus at the point of their pen through their words and intention. The text provides the wisdom seed thoughts, the plan is the focusing vehicle for their practice.

  • Designed to get your students organized! It provides long term savings, not only in time, energy, and money, but freedom from costly mistakes in practice. Can they really afford not to have this text and plan?

  • Designed to be process-oriented and achieve successful results: Focussed awareness in preparation, planning and professional practice = Conscious competency, increased confidence, increased flow of clear energy through your practice which transmits to your patients through greater synchronicity and centering on the practitioner's part.


Comparatively, absolutely.
The Plan is a professional level plan equivalent in quality and available only in expensive ($2,000) practice management programs provided in other fields. The AMA charges approximately $150 for 3 125-150 page practice management books on subjects covered in The Art of PM for Alternative Health Care Practices.

The Art of Practice Management book, 8 1/2" X 11", 500+ pages is $47.50

The Health Professional's Holistic Practice Management Plan Format sells for $75. Exception Spiral bound plan is$45 to your students when PURCHASED TOGETHER with the Art of PM –discounted by $30! Further school discounts apply.

Both text and spiral bound plan together = $90. Please put the price into perspectives for your students when you tell them about the materials.


  • Wisdom thought, focussed intention, and destiny merge. The seed thoughts of the Art of PM with the focus of intention and thought in the practice plan infuse with your students' destiny–a powerful way in which internal thought transmits to external form.
  • Generates awareness in action in procedure, in policy,in practice, and in rapport = satisfied and enthusiastic patients = referrals = Successful Reputable Practice.

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